At times, you may want to enter a short or custom booking that you don’t normally offer such as a midweek break from Monday to Friday, or a long weekend from Friday to Monday. At the moment, the reservation manager won’t allow you to do this unless the rates have been added to your rates table.
To overcome this, you can add a custom break type by following the instructions below.
Adding custom break types:
- Go to Edit Website Content > Rates
- Click on the Define Custom Break Types button above the rates table:
- Enter your custom break type:
- Save
- Edit or enter the custom rate on your rates table under the new column.
Please note: if you are using the PromoteMyPlace reservation manager and online booking software, you must setup all rates for all your different break types that you want to add reservations for so that the system can automatically calculate the charges.
Removing custom break types:
- Go to Edit Website Content > Rates
- Click Show/Hide Columns
- Un-tick the box next to the break type you want to remove.
- Click on the Define Custom Break Types button
- Click Delete next to the break type you want to remove.
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