If your header images are displaying too big or not containing the part of the image you'd actually like to display, it’s just a simple crop that you need to do to correct it.
To crop your header image please follow the instructions below:
- In your account go into Section 2 - Choose & Customise Template
- Using the left hand menu select Edit Header Image
- Scroll down the page under all your images to ‘Header Image Options’ and click this button
- Click ‘Adjust Image’ (for headers that display only one image) and 'Adjust Crop' (for websites displaying more than one image in their header section) which will take you into the screen where your images are uploaded and you'll notice they have dotted lines around them
- Using your cursor click the bottom left hand corner of the dotted line that surrounds part of the image and drag it until it's at the desired crop
- Once complete, click the 'Save cropped image' button to save all changes
NB: If you are displaying multiple header images in a slideshow, the system will automatically save the same crop across all images so they align nicely within the header section based on the first image cropped, but you will need to check that the crop area is in the right place on each image. If not you can simply drag it around until you’re happy with the image that’s within the crop itself. It's also good practice to ensure that all of the images that you upload to the header are approximately the same size as this will make it easier to adjust the crop of each image (whilst maintaining the aspect ratio).
One final point relating to cropping - the width of the image will expand to fill the width of the website and the height will therefore also expand to maintain aspect ratio. If you want your header images to appear shorter you need to make the crop shorter e.g. change the height only.
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