Whilst we recommend having professional photos taken of your accommodation to use on your website, or take them yourself with a good camera, often those images will be very large - some over 6MB which is not necessary for web use.
In fact, we have a limit on the size of individual images you can upload to your website.
1) To avoid unnecessary large amounts of space being used on our servers, as there's no need to upload images at their full size because they will never be shown at that size on your website.
2) It can have a detrimental impact on your website in that each image will take much longer to load on to your viewers computer, which may result in them giving up and moving on to one of your competitors.
But there is a simple solution to resizing your photos before uploading to your website.
What's the recommended image size to upload to your website?
We recommend reducing the size of the images to 1200 pixels wide (or high, depending on aspect ratio) before uploading to your image manager.
How to resize your photos to upload to your website
Windows Users
If you have a Windows computer, there is the functionality available for you to bulk resize images - Photo Gallery.
Step 1 - Open your Photo Gallery (this can be found by a computer search if you don't know where it is). If it's not already on your computer, you will be able to download it from Microsoft.
Step 2 - Create a folder within your Photo Gallery and save all your original photos to it. NB Clearly mark the folder as being the 'Original Photos' so you always have them and never accidentally wipe them.
Step 2 - Create a new folder within your Photo Gallery for the soon-to-be resized photos e.g. 'Resized Photos'
Step 3 - Go back into your Original photos folder and select all the photos - you can do this by clicking on the first photo then holding the 'Shift' key down and clicking on the last photo - all images should now be selected.
Step 4 - Click the 'Edit' option in the toolbar, then the 'Resize' button
Step 5 - Select the 'Custom' size setting and enter 1000 pixels in the field provided:
Step 6 - Select your new 'Resized' folder by clicking the 'Browse' button:
Step 7 - Click 'OK' and then the 'Resize and Save' button for all resized images to be saved to the relevant folder.
Step 8 - Upload all resized photos to your website image manager.
Mac Users
You can batch resize groups of images within Mac OS X by using the included Preview app - no need for any additional download.
For further instructions please click on this link and follow the instructions provided: Image Resize on Mac
File Size Compression
Alternatively, you can compress your image sizes before uploading using a free online tool such as Compress JPG - http://compressjpeg.com/
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