It can greatly help us to respond to an issue you may be experiencing, if you provide us with a screenshot of what you see when trying to do something.
To take a screenshot there are a couple of different ways:
- Use the Microsoft Snipping tool. For those of you using Microsoft Windows operating systems, your computer may already have the Snipping Tool installed. If not you can download it from Microsoft specific to the operating system you are using e.g. Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista etc. Further information can be found here:
- Take a screenshot. Another option is to simply press the 'Print Screen' button found on your keypad.
Whichever one you choose, simply save the image to your computer (if using the Print Screen option, it may be easier to paste it into a Word document and then save) and then attach it to the support ticket you send to us explaining the issue you are experiencing.
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