The booking status indicates at what stage the booking is at. There are a number of different statuses that the booking can be set to when adding or editing a reservation.
You are able to view all your reservations at a certain status by selecting the status from the Status dropdown menu at the top of the Reservations page.
Provisional/Unconfirmed Bookings
If an enquiry is sent and you create a reservation from it, the status defaults to this
status, which blocks out the dates in the availability calendar as a provisional booking.
If you create a reservation through the reservation manager, this is the default status, but
it can be manually changed.
Booking Request Confirmed - Awaiting Deposit
If you are using the ‘Book Now’ widget and you have set up the Reservation Manager payment options to ‘Accept payments only after I confirm the booking’, and a booking is received, the status of the reservation is set to this.
The reservation should be changed to this status if you have responded to an enquiry with confirmation that the dates are available and the costings.
Booking Request Declined
You can set the reservation to this status if you are unable to host the guests over the dates that they require.
The dates will be available again in the availability calendar.
Deposit Received
If you are using the ‘Book Now’ widget and you have set up the Reservation Manager payment options to ‘Accept payments - no confirmation required’, the guest will pay the deposit immediately and the reservation will be set to this status.
Alternatively, if you are not using the instant booking functionality, you should set the reservation to this status once the deposit has been received for the booking.
The availability calendar now shows the dates for this reservation as booked.
Final Payment Requested
This status should be set once you have requested the balance from the guests for the reservation.
Final Payment Received
Once you have received the balance, the reservation should be set to this status.
If you use the ‘Book Now’ widget and the guest pays the total amount immediately, the reservation will automatically be set to this status.
Rental Completed - Security Deposit to be Returned
You can set this status once the guest has departed to remind you to return the security deposit and request a review if required.
Security Deposit Returned
The reservation status should be changed to this once the security deposit has been returned to the guest.
Reservation Cancelled
If a guest cancels their booking, the reservation can be set to this status so that the dates become available in the availability calendar.
This status is used if you need to block out certain dates for maintenance/cleaning/owner booking, etc.
Third Party Booking
If a guest books through a 3rd party application, e.g. Airbnb, Homeaway, etc. this status can be set, as the payment procedure is not the same. You will not receive any email reminders to request payments, as the money is managed entirely via that 3rd party website.
For each of these statuses, there is an email template setup within the Reservation Manager, which gives you the option to send an email to the guest. These templates can be edited or overwritten as preferred.
See ‘Reservation Email Templates’ for more information.
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