This article is related to PromoteMyPlace Version 2 only. Not sure which version of the application you're using? See Which version of PromoteMyPlace am I using?
First, don't worry! Any changes you make will not move to the live website until you choose to publish them.
Make sure you don't leave the page builder just yet.
If you want to revert back try selecting 'Undo' as many times as you need to undo previous steps.
If Undo doesn't work or is not an option, the easiest thing to do is recreate the particular page section that has the issue using the predefined blocks. Find the block that looks similar, drag it onto the page and re-enter the text and/or images. Once you have copied the content over, delete the block that has the problem.
As an example, we’ll show you how to recreate the ‘Things to See & Do’ on the home Page
If a mistake has been made in the block above, simply add the same new block above or below it
Drag it onto the page, by using the left mouse
Copy any text required from the original block and paste it into the new block.
Once you have finished recreating the block, delete the original block from the page.
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