This article is related to PromoteMyPlace Version 2 only. Not sure which version of the application you're using? See Which version of PromoteMyPlace am I using?
Either add a new page or edit an existing one.
Select ‘Basic Elements’ from the top menu
The Basic Elements menu will appear on the left
Left Click on ‘Page Section’
Drag it onto the page and release the mouse
Select ‘Blocks’ from the top menu
The Blocks menu will appear on the left
Select ‘Widgets’
Choose the Gallery widget
Drag it onto the page, into the column and release the mouse
Please note: If you have more than one gallery, you'll need to choose which one you'd like to display on the page.
To do this, click the 'Settings' icon on the widget and choose the correct gallery from the drop-down selector provided.
Once you’re ready to put your changes on the live site you will need to publish the website changes
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