Website Verified Badge
Not plannedAs an independent site owner one of the major obstacles to overcome is credibility. We can spend a lot of time and effort designing a credible looking site but how do we convince prospective clients that our site is legitimate and not a scam, especially since the media regularly report about scam and rogue websites.
https instead of http would help our sites and PMP are looking into implementing this at some time in the future, but it seems, technically, a long way off. I say, sooner the better.
But how about an impressive "clickable badge" that could be placed in a prominent position on our individual sites. The badge would only be awarded to site owners that have provided proof to PMP admin of ID, utility bills, Lodging License, verifiable phone numbers and email, basic stuff that we provide to HA, VRBO, OD et al anyway. (upon clicking the badge info would appear highlighting the checks and verification made)
I have suggested this to PMP and they asked me to post this to find out what the response to the suggestion would be.
If you think it is a good idea then give it a vote and add any other suggestions also.
The badge thing would get my vote - very good idea! I don't know about http/https thing as I am not technical enough for that but as I have my own domain name perhaps not relevant to me.
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Anything that helps has got to be good. Would definitely use it.
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This idea gets thumbs up from me too.
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Good idea - establishing credibility is so important.
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I would be interested in you introducing this badge. Happy to give ID details.
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Thanks for your comments. If you could give us exact details of the ID that is requested by other sites it would give us a better idea of how this could be done. We would obviously need a way to verify the documents sent.
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Hi Paul, YHM, "Your Holiday Matters" comes to mind. PMP actually recommend them, they are on the partners page, however the link there .com gets a 404. I read on the LMH forum that they gave up back in 2012. Then I discovered a site, this one
all looks good, they only want you to have website for a year, 3 references and something else, I forget what and if they are still in business all well and good.........but then there is a big problem. And for me this is where all falls flat and is possibly why it failed, certainly would not encourage me to join up.
Here's the problem, If the YHM badge you click on is not genuine then you are encouraged to choose a rental from a list of genuine rentals. There are over 22000 rentals in Portugal and they only have 11, yes 11, owned by 4 owners. For me all credibility goes out the window.
Why they did this I don't know, better to just do the accreditation and that's all, end of. PMP could do this for very little work and charge a modest fee or even include it as a service.
They know who we are because we have contracted with them for our pmp website, I don't mind giving 3 references, and Id if they want it. I am not suggesting this is open to the general public just PMP site owners.
Easy Peasy.
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Continuing on from the previous post.
I recently put my villa on a new site and they had rather a clever way of verifying who I was.
They asked me to send a scanned photo ID, Then they asked for a current selfie, The info gleaned from the selfie would show date and time and also gps location if that was turned on, and of course the likeness to the photo ID.
They then asked me to send them an ical link form OwnersDirect or HomeAway or whoever. Obviously only I could get that link by signing into OD. They would then paste the link into one of their own calendars and see that it was genuine and matched my OD Calendar. I guess they would see that I had been with OD for several years because of the number and dates of reviews. Then trusting the fact that I was still on OD that I must be legit, right?
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