choose of other language should possible on single housee and Google translation vs. Own translations and use of both -
When you manage houses for owners in several parts of the world (UK, Germany and Spain etc,)
Each owner would like there house presented in their own language, as well as in English and Spanish.
Some also wants to have the house presented in other languages as well.
Right now we have a German owner that wants her house advertised also in German, and she has written the text she wants to have on her website.
Google would never be able to write that text, and I do not want to rite text in German at the moment.
So first point for me as manager of all these houses, is I want to: per house to be able to select the languages I want to use. This does not conflict with having a default language set up, as you have now.
Second I want to be able to choose googlish or own translation per house per language. Again, if someone wants to advertise their house in a language I do not “master” then google can do the translation for me. 😊
The third thing, about showing only pages that has been translated to the selected language, is an option you could have, if you don’t choose to use that option then the pages that are translated will be shown in the selected language and the rest will be shown in the default language.
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