To create a clickable email link within you page content simply follow the instructions below:
- Go into section 3 'Edit Website Content'
- Select the page you wish to add the link to
- Enter the text and highlight the words you wish to make as a clickable email link:
- Then select the link icon:
- And enter your email address in the field provided using the 'mailto:' command. For example:
- Click OK for the pop-up window to disappear and then click 'Save' for all changes to take affect.
You can also choose to include your email address linked from text on the screen rather than writing the address out in ful. For example, instead of writing 'Contact us today at' you could write 'Contact us today' and create the email hyperlink from the text 'Contact us today' using the same format above.
NB: By entering your email address on to your website you will be at greater risk of SPAM since bots can easily pick up the 'mailto' code. To minimise the risk of SPAM, we recommend using the standard contact form provided and adding the CAPTCHA option.
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